Standing on a beach
With a gun in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
As with "Remembering The Alphabet" on the sidebar panel and some "The Cure Artworks" from an Italian site, I've added this rants in support of that section for it is not mainly about A to Z Music Shop, but remembering the early years in my life.(So goes the title of the panel) I remember having notebooks full of designs from song lyrics and bands in my highschool days. All the years that went down the drain. I guess I miss the New Wave era. Anyway, here's a song for lovers, "The Exploding Boy" off The Cure's 1986 double album "Standing on a Beach."
The Cure
I couldn't hear a word you said
I couldn't hear at all
You talked until your tongue fell out
And then you talked some more
I knew if I turned
I'd turn away from you
And I couldn't look back
Tell yourself we'll start again
Tell yourself it's not the end
Tell yourself it couldn't happen
Not this way
Not today

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