The Smashing Pumpkins Collage Smashing Pumpkins.Com
The Smashing Pumpkins HeartDisarm you with a smile and cut you like you want me to cut that little child inside of me and such a part of you.The Smashing Pumpkins HeartDisarm you with a smile and leave you like they left me here to wither in denial the bitterness of one who's left alone.The Smashing Pumpkins Heart

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing Pumpkins

Pumpkin Whatever it is that you will see or hear or read from all the things presented in this site which does not conform with your principles in life or your personal beliefs even with your musical understanding, has nothing to do with the integrity of my spiritual direction. I'm just visiting the old days and I thought that maybe, you too were part of the musical beauty and wonders of the past, and that somehow from all of this, we'll find each other and connect the string which were once cut and partly forgotten because of all the years that passed and hoping you'll try to relate with the music and stuffs written here and in a way help you in remembering some old friends, families, faded loves, people, places and events. Enjoy your stay! Pumpkin

"Sake Table, Chinas and Skins (Part 1)"

This rant goes to all skin lovers.....

When I was a kid and still living in Sampaloc, Manila, we had this Japanese sake table lying at the garage. It was my makeshift drumset back then, hand tapping and sorts. I kinda annoyed our borders in those days because whenever they were playing guitars, jamming with their friends, I was there to play some hand tapping. And I remember back in '93, Vig and I were having fun on a makeshift drumset made from water containers, platform base of an electric fan (for china stand), coil spring (for pedal return-spring), some wood, and a door lock-chain (for pedal puller.) We were called back then as The Gallon Band.(laughs!) Eventually, Vig made it as a drummer of an underground rockwave band called "Caffeine" covering Railway Children's songs and stuffs from the 80's and the 90's. And I became Vig's No.1 critic on his drum playing since then. I guess playing drums is one of my frustrations in life. Anyway, enough of the drum-frustration-thing and get on with the rants.

Originally, this rant should be about John Bonham of Led Zeppelin and his "Moby Dick" drum solo. But Led Zeppelin was known for their song epicness (a song that is too long, e.g. a 30 minute song and sometimes longer) so, the video was cut in three parts. That's why I've declined to present it here considering that it was a good drum solo but, some scenes might losts its moment because the video was cut in three. Videos of drum solo or guitar solo should not be cut or else, scenes will be lost. Anyway, John Henry Bonham was one of the pioneers, but today, there are a lot of drummers better than Bonham. I've seen clips of the 2003 Modern Drummer Festival with lots of bands including Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater whom I believe was the best in progressive rock drumming. Just by looking at Portnoy's drum set-up amazes me. But still, this rant is for Vig, Bro. Francis, Bhab(I guess this will eat her Brandon Boyd, laughs!), Bro. Bong, Sis. Rosalee, and for people who always love the sound of skins. Hold your breath on this. Watch and catch the sticks with your ears.

For starters: The 12 year old Tony Royster Jr.

Then, Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy, watch the sticks of these awesome drummer.

Mike Portnoy in Tokyo doing a solo.

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