The Smashing Pumpkins Collage Smashing Pumpkins.Com
The Smashing Pumpkins HeartDisarm you with a smile and cut you like you want me to cut that little child inside of me and such a part of you.The Smashing Pumpkins HeartDisarm you with a smile and leave you like they left me here to wither in denial the bitterness of one who's left alone.The Smashing Pumpkins Heart

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing PumpkinsThe Smashing Pumpkins

Pumpkin Whatever it is that you will see or hear or read from all the things presented in this site which does not conform with your principles in life or your personal beliefs even with your musical understanding, has nothing to do with the integrity of my spiritual direction. I'm just visiting the old days and I thought that maybe, you too were part of the musical beauty and wonders of the past, and that somehow from all of this, we'll find each other and connect the string which were once cut and partly forgotten because of all the years that passed and hoping you'll try to relate with the music and stuffs written here and in a way help you in remembering some old friends, families, faded loves, people, places and events. Enjoy your stay! Pumpkin

A.F.P. (Ang Friend ni Pinsan)

Microdot Sleeve: The title has nothing to do with the AFP or Armed Forces of The Philippines(well, partly I guess), but you know, playing with words. Actually, I got the idea from a pair of rubber shoes(shoes supplied to military cadets) which my cousin's bestfriend(a military nurse from Fort Bonifacio) are wearing.

Well, I hope the people captured in the photoflix are enjoying this. They are my Families and along with Miss Spain(our cousin), using her CASIO EXILIM Digital Camera, they're having the best days of their lives as shown on this photos. I played around with the images in RockYou and here's the beautiful result(I guess).

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Hour Record holder Chris BoardmanHour Record holder Chris BoardmanHour Record holder Chris Boardman