It's been quite sometime since I've written something like this. I guess I'm back on the table writing stuffs about music and memories. Anyway, Miss Spain is here. I've fetched her yesterday afternoon at the airport. Actually, she's a cousin of mine who once made it as Miss Spain in kindergarten. What, you thought I was talking about the real thing like "Miss Spain or somethin'?" Nah! So, yesterday was great. A lot of stories were spilled on the table. I was asked, "Why are men in cycling wearing tights or cycling shorts which look like tights?" I said, "It's about aerodynamics. You cheat the wind while wearing body-fit clothes." Perhaps Miss Spain will stay for over a month and we're all glad that she's here because we miss her so much. Now what? D'you mean pasalubong? Okey, I got 2 baseball caps, cycling gloves, and some sweets and energy bars. My ears heard something on her iPOD though. Maybe I'll go and have a look for some materials about that matter and write it here in the future.
Anyway, this had been on the hanging for quite sometime now. The subject which I'm going to tell ended up on this blogsite's obituary sidebar panel not because he is dead, but because he's one of the many reasons why some kids listening to Pantera in the 90's picks up a guitar and form a band, because he revolutionized guitar playing techniques, because he made heavy metal real heavy, because many years ago, I was very much into his works, because bending strings and wearing a red goatie beard is cool---very cool, because when I was in the south in '97 and life back then was much better (financially) than today---I was on the verge of buying a "Dimebolt" Washburn Guitar (with a flash of lightning up front of course, but I've change my mind) along with a Pignose amp, because I once had many tabs of his guitar riffs, because his contributions (like guitar lessons) to every major guitar magazines was awesome, because he once made "Becoming" sounding like there is a cat being kicked on the butt, because I love playing "I'm Broken" on a guitar, because "Hostile" and its main riffs in a very fast rhythm sounds like the guitar is kinda broken. because Aris is reading this many reasons, because I can make this very long but stop here actually. Here's the late great Dimebag Darrell (showing some guitar lessons on harmonic squeals, one of his guitar trademark techniques) who died from a shooting spree incident in 2004 during a Damageplan (his side project) concert.
microdot sleeve: Why the title? Blackjack is a Washburn Guitar Dimebag Darrell Signature Series. I could have use "Dimeslime" or "Dimebolt" (both from that series too) for the title but I declined to do so. Or that title because Dimebag is from Texas and a real cowboy.
Click this: A bloggers tribute to the late guitar legend Dimebag Darrell Abbott.

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