Microdot Sleeve: What's a Poser? A poser is someone who tries to fit into a profile they aren't. People who try to give off the impression that they are one thing when they are really another. Also, a poser can be one who says they can do something that they can't. Or more commonly, a poser is someone who, when doing something successfully, takes more than enough credit for it. A poser is a girl/guy who listens to a certain type of music or dresses a certain way to impress people or to fit into a certain crowd. often times people get mixed up with those who are posers and those who are not. If you go out buy a sk8r-boi sweatshirt and a skateboard and go out on the town and ride around and some one shouts out, "Hey poser!" Are you one? NO! Come on people..you went out and bought the skateboard so you could...erm GET BETTER! Seriously how are you ever going to become a skateboarder if you dont practice and get better? *cough exactly* now in a different situation. Lets say you go out buy a skateboard...by the way you dont even know the brand of the board and you go out with your friends and just sit there while they do their little skateboarding tricks ... so basically you are just there to look cool..then are you a poser. Yah? Yes! A poser is someone who says that they are a punk because they have a CKY cd and a Ramones shirt, and dont even like the cd, and have never heard a song by the Ramones, The Clash, Sex Pistols, or real punk music. most have liberty spiked hair or a "fohawk", and listen to Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Avril Lavinge, or songs about relationships(and ending them, and how bad it hurts.)
For over a week while gathering materials for this rants, I saved a lot of stories to tell. Things that triggers the memories of the past to come back. Music and stuffs, rhythms and riffs while brushing acoustic guitar necks, crossing over between frets of strings playing power chords. But first off, I have a celfon now courtesy of Miss Spain and become a total tour guide for her. Anyway, she bought herself an iPod speaker, an acoustic guitar, and lots of personals. One time she asked me, "I wanted to buy a new celfon. Can you give me a reason why I should buy that?(pointing to a 3G model.) So I said the this and the that, but I'm wonderin' why she didn't purchase it up to now. She had a card which she can slide though. Hmmmm!! Anyway, yesterday we went to a tribal shop at Megamall and got stucked for a few minutes on incubhab's Incubus on the shop's flat screen monitor. After some few more buys, we headed straight to Fort Bonifacio and met with her best friend.
(Dateline Philippines)
So, here's a rant which metalheads will likely agree because it happened during the metal era in the late 80's and early 90's. An era when metal music and dirty rap was kinda mixed up. A mixed up which started in hair styles like one length as they've called it and ends up in T-shirt wearing ignorance. It makes me sad whenever I remember those days. Metal music was kinda raped and abused in a way.
During the late 80's to the early 90's here in the Philippines, metal music was very much into its peak. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Pantera, Testament, Metal Church, Death Angel, etc. are some of the bands who made it in the ears of Filipino metalheads. Then the haircut called one length (a first step on growing long hairs) which flies-away became the trend. A haircut style which metalheads are known. Then comes the dirty rap and ride with the hairstyle. The sad thing was, you can never differentiate between people listening to metal music and dirty rap in those days because of the same hairstyles. Two different music listeners in two different types of music but the same hairstyle. It's like everybody have the same hairstylist when you look at them from behind. Then I remember one time, I've seen some kids and even adults wearing Pantera's black "Vulgar" T-shirt. Then I thought, do they know what's that image on their shirt they're wearing? Or, do they have any slight idea what's a Pantera music sounds like?
Lots of people goes with the trend but they don't even have any idea on what it is all about. Here's what, watch this videos and ask yourself, "Will I ever wear a shirt with images of this band?" Personally speaking, "I will!" Why? Because they were the best hard rockin' band of the 90's. Here's Pantera on "I'm Broken" (I was cranking this on a guitar many years ago.) Plus a bonus video of "Becoming" with Far Beyond Driven album still image. Listen closely on the guitar riffs and you will hear a cat being kicked on the butt.

I'm Broken
I wonder if we'll smile in our coffins while loved ones
Mourn the day, the absence of our faces, living, laughing,
Eyes awake. Is this too much for them to take?
Too young for ones conclusion, the lifestyle won.
Such values you taught your son. That's how.
Look at me now. I'm broken.
Inherit my life.
One day we all will die, a cliched fact of life. Force fed
To make us heed. Inbred to sponge our bleed. Every
Warning, a leaking rubber, a poison apple for mingled
Blood. Too young for ones delusion the lifestyle cost
Venereal Mother embrace the los$. That's how
Look at you now. You're broken
Inherit your life.

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